Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine is a traditional healing system that has its origin in China and its history goes back more than 2500 years. This holistic approach to healing focuses on restoring and maintaining harmony and balance in body, mind and spirit. The basic principles of Chinese medicine are concepts such as Qi (life energy), Yin and Yang (oppositional and complementary forces) and the Five Elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water).
Chinese medicine focuses on disease prevention and treating the causes of health problems, not just the symptoms. The approach to diagnosis is unique and includes methods such as observing the tongue, listening and feeling the pulse, and taking the patient's history.
This system of medicine is becoming increasingly popular in China and is gaining popularity worldwide as a complementary or alternative healing method to Western medicine, especially in areas such as pain management, improving sleep quality, reducing stress and improving overall quality of life.
Cupping therapy

Cupping is a traditional healing technique used around the world that involves placing special glass or silicone cups on the skin. This method creates a vacuum that stimulates blood circulation and promotes healing of the body. Cupping is used to treat a variety of ailments, from muscle aches to respiratory problems.
How is cupping done?
The technique begins with the application of the cups to selected areas of the body, usually the back, shoulders or legs. By heating the air inside the glass bulb, or using a mechanical pump for silicone bulbs, a vacuum is created that pulls the skin and surface muscles inside the bulb. The flasks are left on for several minutes, during which time the blood circulation is stimulated and muscle tension is released.
For whom is cupping suitable?
- For people suffering from chronic muscle pain and stiffness
- For those seeking relief from stress and fatigue
- As an adjunctive therapy to support the immune system
- For people with health problems such as asthma or bronchitis
- For those who want to promote detoxification of the body
What are in advantages of cupping?
- Relieves muscle tension and promotes recovery
- Improves blood and lymphatic circulation
- May alleviate respiratory ailments
- Promotes relaxation and reduces the effects of stress
- Helps detoxify the body and promotes overall health
Cupping is an effective and safe method that combines ancient wisdom with a modern understanding of the body. At our health and wellness center, we provide professional cupping with an emphasis on individual attention and the needs of each client. Try this proven method and feel its positive effects for yourself.

How does acupuncture work?
How is the acupuncture done?
It describes 2000 acupuncture points, which are pre-diagnosed and labelled. The needles are only applied to the superficial structures of the body and the depth of the puncture depends on the amount of subcutaneous fat that must be overcome. The application of the needles is limited in time.
Indications of acupuncture
It can be used for:
Phantom pains, migraines, toothaches, etc.
Diseases of the spine, joints, muscles, tendons
Diseases of the peripheral nervous system (sensory and motor disorders, neuralgia, etc.)
Diseases of the central nervous system (DMO, preictal conditions, stroke, hyperkinesis, sclerosis multiplex)
Diseases of the sensory organs (tinnitus, hypos, visual impairment)
Metabolic disorders (diabetes, gout, atherosclerosis)
GIT diseases (ulcer disease, hepatopathy, etc.)
Some blood diseases
Rheumatic diseases
Inflammatory diseases
Allergic diseases (bronchial asthma, polinosis, skin allergies - urticaria, eczema)
Visceral pathology (disorders of neurohumoral and metabolic regulation, disorders of cardiac, vascular, respiratory, digestive and excretory functions)
Some immunodeficiencies
Climacteric disorders, impotence, sexual disorders, genital disorders, sterility, painless childbirth, birth mechanism disorders
Adaptive and reactive disorders (general weakness, fatigue syndrome) - to stimulate the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis
Acute conditions as part of medical first aid
Traumas and their consequences
and a lot of other diagnoses...
A total of 6-8 sessions are recommended, 1 per week.